Exactly What to do If You Were Hit By a Car While Walking

Walking as a pedestrian is one of the most vulnerable forms of travel nowadays. You have no padding, no airbags, and no helmet to protect yourself from any sort of harm. This is why getting hit by a large piece of machinery weighing thousands of pounds is a scary thought. Your head will most likely be racing. What do you do first? Your first instinct might be to call a loved one. Should you yell for help? Keep walking as if nothing happened? Argue with the driver? There are so many different options you have if you were hit by a car while walking. This is why it is important to be prepared for this kind of situation and know exactly what to do. Here, we are going to give you a step-by-step guide on what to do if you were hit by a car while walking.
Step 1 | Make sure you are safe
Your safety is the most important thing if you were hit by a car while walking. Your adrenaline will be pumping because it has never happened to you before. If you can, focus on immediately getting out of harm’s way. This could be the middle of the street, parking lot, or driveway. Whatever the situation is, safely and quickly get away if you are able to in order to reduce the risk of further injury.
Step 2 | Call 911 and file a report if you were hit by a car while walking
They can dispatch Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
The first reason you should call 911 if you were hit by a car while walking is because they can dispatch EMS. If you are injured in any way, they will likely do this just to be safe. It is better to be safe than sorry, after all. Not only is it important to get looked over for your safety, but it is also important for future legal reasons as well. If you want to receive compensation for the accident, having it on-record that you were seen by EMS on the scene will prove helpful in your case.
Police serve as a good 3rd party and make a report
After the 911 operator dispatches the police officer, they often can serve as a good 3rd party to calm the situation. Everyone’s emotions are going to be running very high during that time, and no one will be thinking straight. Additionally, you have no idea who just hit you. It could be someone with a short temper and who is violent. They attempt to somehow flip the tables and try blaming it on you instead. Having a police officer there can help to diffuse the situation substantially and protect you from the person if they get violent.
Step 3 | Call someone close to you that you were hit by a car while walking
Trust us, we know. Getting hit by a car is extremely scary and this is probably the first thing you’re going to want to do. The reason it is not the first thing, though, is because your physical health and safety are the most important factors in this situation. Now, you can call someone close to you for more mental support.
Step 4 | Stay off Social Media After getting hit by a car while walking
It is important to know the importance of staying off social media for a bit after getting hit by a car while walking. Many people use social media as an outlet to share their emotions. Although they are simply using it to vent, insurance companies do extensive research. When they see you posted on social media right after you were hit by a car while walking, they might assume it played a part.
Step 5 | Follow up with your physician
Seeking medical attention after getting hit by a car while walking is an important step to keep in mind. In order to make sure you are healthy and nothing was previously overlooked, follow up with your physician. Another reason following up with your physician is important is in case you want to seek financial compensation for the accident. Doing this after you were hit by a car while walking will help the case rule more in your favor later on.
Step 6 | As soon as you are healthy and able, contact an attorney for legal advice
Pedestrian accidents have certain laws, facts, and injuries that apply that are unique to the situation. This complicates your circumstance, which is why it’s important to talk to an attorney to protect your rights. Additionally, make sure to preserve all evidence in your case. This includes any photographs and videos of the accident, the vehicle(s) involved, clothing worn, damaged property, and any other information.
The process of getting compensation from insurance companies can be long, strung-out, and complicated. It is important to remember that insurance companies don’t want to compensate you. As a result, they do everything they can to decrease the amount they give you from the accident. Contacting an experienced pedestrian accident attorney will relieve the stress from you. As a result, an experienced attorney knows exactly the right actions to take. From receiving police reports, eyewitness reports, or dealing with the insurance companies, an experienced pedestrian accident attorney will pay itself off.
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